Your Best Health Today

Dental Care

01/20/2009 15:37

Why You Need To Visit The Dentist

  If you think that brushing and flossing alone is enough to keep your teeth and mouth clean and healthy, think again. If you think that you can manage to have a clean and healthy mouth without the help of a dentist, then what are dentists here for? Dentists play a big part in managing the...


01/14/2009 13:03

Personal Dental Care

  Almost everyone has their own share of childhood  tooth-y story. Parents have their own unique way of encouraging their children how to take care of their teeth - from exaggerated stories to imaginary characters (hello, tooth fairy).  However, encouraging children to take care of...


01/09/2009 23:28

Flossing Your teeth

  The primary aim of personal dental care is to prevent cavities from forming in the teeth. In order for you to prevent cavities and maintain a healthy set of teeth, you need to remove plaque, a transparent layer of bacteria that stays on the surface of your teeth. Some effective ways to...


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